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A quick guide to event marketing

After months of venue sourcing, securing speakers and finalizing your agenda, all the main ingredients of your event are in place. It’s time to take a breather, right? Unfortunately not.

While event planning is one thing, marketing your event is a whole different ball game. So, as Event Technology Week continues, here are some tips to help you get started on your event marketing efforts.

Determine your goals and budget.

Of course, you need to start by setting your parameters. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, you can wind up anywhere. Therefore, it’s important to identify your goals and what you want to achieve through your event, and the resources you have at your disposal.

Know your audience.

This sounds obvious, but everything you do stems from knowing your audience. Determine who they are, their needs and interests, and their expectations of your event. That way, you can tailor your marketing to their needs.

Articulate your event’s messaging and value.

This relates to the age-old question among marketers: what’s in it for me? Attendees want to know what they can expect to get out of your event.

Make sure you have a stellar event website.

As you know, your website is the first glimpse potential attendees have of your event. So, it’s important to ensure your website captures what your event is all about through stunning visuals and relevant content.

Develop a content marketing schedule.

Content marketing refers to creating, publishing and disseminating content that resonates with your target market. This can include blog posts, social media content, infographics, videos or any other content that provides value to your audience. It can be used to build momentum for your event. So, plan out and generate content ahead of time.

Consider paid advertising.

Your own content is only one half of the coin. The other half is advertising, which can be used to enhance your reach.

Leverage social media.

We certainly can’t forget about social media. After all, it’s a driving force to reach attendees. A blend of organic and paid forms of social media is a great way to further your reach. Incorporate your event hashtag, generate buzz across your social networks, and create shareable content including eye-catching images, infographics and videos.

Measure event success with relevant KPIs.

Any event marketer will tell you that measurement is just as important as execution. Establishing KPIs is critical to measure your marketing campaign’s success and to ensure that you’re meeting your goals.

In any case, you’ve worked tremendously hard to plan your event, so now is the time to get the word out. Give your event some much-deserved love.

Want to know more about event marketing and technology? Continue to stay up-to-date on tips, trends and insights during Event Technology Week!